*SOLD* 320 +/- Acres Marshall County Land Auction
Friday, January 12th @ 10:00 A.M.
Beattie Community Center – Beattie, KS
Tract 1:
Legal Description: (Per Marshall County Appraiser) S10, T02, R09, ACRES 157.6, W2 NE4 & E2 NW4 LESS R/W
FSA Information: (Per Marshall County FSA Office)
- FSA Farmland = 157.16 acres with 126.24 DCP Cropland Acres
- Base Acres = 122.25 acres (62.30ac Soybeans, 59.95 Corn)
- PLC Yield (Soybeans 33bu, Corn 113bu)
Property Taxes (2023): $3140.50
CRP Contract: Tract 1 has 2.65 acres enrolled in CRP through September 30, 2024. The Annual Contract Payment is $356.00 or $134.35 per acre. This is shared 50/50 with the tenant through the end of the contract.
Tract 2:
Legal Description: (Per Marshall County Appraiser) S08, T02, R09, ACRES 158.7, NE4 LESS R/W
FSA Information: (Per Marshall County FSA Office)
- FSA Farmland = 158.99 acres with 120.23 DCP Cropland Acres
- Base Acres = 111.30 acres (60.10ac Soybeans, 51.20ac Corn)
- PLC Yield (Soybeans 33bu, Corn 113bu)
Property Taxes (2023): $2774.06
CRP Contract: Tract 2 has 6.06 acres enrolled in CRP through September 30, 2024. The Annual Contract Payment is $887.00 or $146.40 per acre. This is shared 50/50 with the tenant through the end of the contract.
Broker’s Notes: These properties offer exceptional recreational opportunities with both being on the branches of Robidoux Creek which is known for producing GIANT Kansas Whitetail. Rumor has it that back in 2012 a FREAK whitetail was found dead from EHD on the Robidoux and scored a whopping 312 1/8th. Where exactly it was found is uncertain, but one thing is for sure, these properties can produce Trophy Whitetails. While touring the property and taking pictures, I personally saw deer and deer signs, turkeys, and 3 pairs of Wood Ducks.
Did I mention INCOME??? Both properties have excellent cropland capable of producing high yields year in and year out. Tract 1 features over 65% Class II soil types with Wymore Silty Clay Loam and Kennebec Silt Loam. Tract 2 features over 70% Class I & II soil types with Muir Silt Loam, Kennebec Silt Loam, and Wymore Silty Clay Loam.
If you’ve been looking for a property that’s not only a GREAT recreational property but can also pay for itself with excellent crop or rental income…Look no further than these EXCEPTIONAL properties In Northeast Kansas.
Property Locations:Tract 1 & 2: From US Hwy 36 & Hwy 99 Intersection (Beattie Corner) travel 1.5 miles North on Highway 99 to stop sign at the intersection of Hwy 99 & Ironstone Road/Elm Street. Turn West on Ironstone Road/Elm Street and travel .5 miles to 21st Road. Turn North on 21st Road and travel 2 miles. Tract 2 is located on the West side of Granite Road for .5 miles until you reach the 21st Road & Granite Road intersection. Tract 1: From 21st Road & Granite Road intersection travel 1.25 miles East on Granite Road. Tract 1 is located on the south side of Granite Road for .5 miles.
Terms & Possession: 10% down day of sale, balance due at closing on or before 2/15/2024. Possession at closing subject to tenants rights. Verbal tenant has possession till March 1, 2024 and Seller will properly notify tenant of termination according to Kansas lease law if buyer is wanting full possession March 1, 2024. Seller to pay 2023 and prior years taxes. Sellers interest in mineral rights shall transfer to buyer. Title insurance, escrow and closing costs to be split equally between buyer and seller. Property to be sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS. All inspections should be made prior to the day of the auction. This is a cash sale and is not subject to financing, have your financing arrangements made prior to auction. Midwest Land and Home is acting as a Seller’s Agent and represents the seller’s interest. All information has come from reliable sources; however, potential buyers are encouraged to verify all information independently. Seller expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for these sales. Potential purchasers are strongly urged to rely solely upon their own inspections and opinions in preparing to purchase property and are expressly advised to not rely on any representations made by the seller or their agents. Statements made the day of sale take precedence over all other printed materials. Aerials are representations and not guaranteed to be actual property lines.

****ONLINE BIDDING REQUIRES PRE-REGISTRATION**** – REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THEN 12:00 P.M. Wednesday, January 10, 2023. In addition to registering through our APP or on our website you will be required to fill out “Online Bidder Terms” found below in the “Attachments” section. You must return complete the online registration AND have this form back to us by email, mail, or delivered in person by the deadline. Please DO NOT delay in getting registered.
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For more information contact: Jeff Dankenbring, Listing Broker at 785.562.8386
or email [email protected]
Other Features
Recreational Property
Property Id : 21623
Bathrooms: 14
Total Acres: 320 +/- acres