Land Auction: Fischer Dairy – Sellers
Thursday, April 28th @ 6:00 P.M. – American Legion, 706 N Locust St, Frankfort, KS
96.7 Acres – Marshall County Land
Order of Sale:
- Tracts 1, 2, & 3 will be auctioned separately in order and sold to the highest bidder.
- Bidding will be in WHOLE dollars and not on a per acre basis.
Tract 1 Legal Description:S15, T04, R09, ACRES 73 +/-, located in E2 of NE4 LESS 4.0 +/- Acre Home site and Less R/W (Please see the “Survey and Sewer Easement” pdf located in “Attachments” below to see the survey for the home site that is not being sold along with the 473′ X 58′ +/-, .63 acre, sewer easement located to the west of the home site on Tract 1.)
- FSA Farmland = 78.83 acres (less 4.0 +/- Acre Homesite), with 61.54 DCP Cropland Acres
- Base Acres = 61.54 (Wheat 24.84, Soybeans 22.37, Corn 13.37, Oats .96)
- Enrolled in ARC-County (PLC yield Corn 122, Soybeans 45, Wheat 48, Oats 44)
- 2021 Property Taxes (Estimated) = $1521.13
- Rural Water does have a lint running along 23rd Road on the east side of the property.
- Property is located 1.25 miles east of Hwy 99 & Tumbleweed Rd Intersection on the south side of the road.
- 2020 Corn averaged 193.82 bushel per acre, 2021 Beans averaged 58.53 Bushel per acre (Info provided by Seller)
Tract 2 Legal Description:S16, T04, R09, ACRES 12.7, ALL BLKS 61, 80, 81, & 82 & ADJ VAC ST LESS LEVEE SECTION
- FSA Farmland = 17.26 acres with 13.52 DCP Cropland Acres (We attempting to clarify the abnormal acre discrepancy between Marshall County Appraiser’s office and FSA and will update the website as soon as we have clarification)
- Base Acres=13.52 (Soybeans 5.54, Corn 2.98, Wheat 5.54)
- Enrolled in ARC-County (PLC yield Corn 122, Soybeans 45, Wheat 48, Oats 44)
- 2021 Property Taxes = $ 288.01
- Property is located 1 mile west of 23rd Road & Temple Road Intersection
- 2020 Corn averaged 173.55 bushel per acre, 2021 Beans averaged 54.54 Bushel per acre (Info provided by Seller)
Tract 3 Legal Description:S13, T04, R09, ACRES 11.0, NE4 SW4 N&E OF RIVER LESS R/W
- FSA Farmland = 14.58 acres with 9.1 DCP Cropland Acres (We attempting to clarify the abnormal acre discrepancy between Marshall County Appraiser’s office and FSA and will update the website as soon as we have clarification)
- Base Acres = .58 (Oats .58)
- Property has 8.52 acres in CRP with $775 annual payment (See website for details on CRP contract)
- 2021 Property Taxes = $51.70
- Property is located .5 miles south of Tumble Weed Rd & 24th Rd Intersection.
Please note that the “Wind Lease & Easement” (see “Wind Lease and Easement – Fischer” in “Attachments” below) will be terminated by Irish Creek Wind Energy prior to closing. (Please see the signed “Wind Lease and Easement Termination – Fischer” in “Attachments” below)
Buyer will have IMMEDIATE ACCESS FOR SPRING PLANTING upon signing purchase contract and paying the escrow deposit.
Fisher Dairy Inputs – Buyer to reimburse tenant at closing
75.06 acres of cropland (Rounded to 75 from 75.06 FSA Acres)
192#/acre (product not actual) anhydrous @ $1500/ton = $144/acre = $10,800
118#/acre MESZ @ $1150/ton = $67.85/acre = $5088.75
75 acres of Spinner App @$6/acre = $450
75 acres of NH3 application @ $16/acre = $1200
Total/Acre = $233.85/acre
Total Inputs= $17538.75
Total Reimbursement/Buyer Responsibility by Tract:
Tract 1 = $14,382.00 (61.54 FSA cropland acres or 82% of total)
Tract 2 = $ 3156.75 (13.52 FSA cropland acres or 18% of total)
Auction Location:
Frankfort American Legion
706 N. Locust St.
Frankfort, KS 66427
Terms & Possession: 10% down day of the sale, balance due at closing on or before Friday, May 27, 2022. Buyer to take possession at closing. With immediate access for spring planting. Sellers to pay 2021 taxes buyer to pay 2022 taxes. Title insurance, escrow and closing costs to be split equally between buyer and seller. Property to be sold as-is, where-is. All inspections should be made prior to the day of the sale. Seller’s interest in mineral rights to transfer with the sale. This is a cash sale and is not subject to financing, have your financing arrangements made prior to the auction. Midwest Land and Home is acting as a Seller’s Agent and represents the seller’s interest. All information has come from reliable sources; however, potential buyers are encouraged to verify all information independently. Seller expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions, or changes regarding any information provided for these sales. Potential purchasers are strongly urged to rely solely upon their own inspections and opinions in preparing to purchase property and are expressly advised to not rely on any representations made by the seller or their agents. Statements made the day of sale take precedence over all other printed materials. Galloway, Wiegers, & Brinegar, Attorney for the sellers will prepare purchase contracts and Pony Express Title will act as escrow, title & closing agent. Announcements made the day of sale will take precedence over all other information.
For more information on this property please contact…
Jeff Dankenbring – Listing Broker – Cell: 785.562.8386
Email: [email protected]

****ONLINE BIDDING REQUIRES PRE-REGISTRATION – REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THEN 12:00 P.M. TUESDAY, April 26th (In addition to registering through our APP or on our website you will be required to fill out and “Online Bidder Terms – Fischer” found below in the “Attachments” section. You must return complete the online registration AND have this form back to us by email, mail, or delivered in person by the deadline. Please DO NOT delay in getting registered.
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Other Features
Property Id : 21455
Bathrooms: 12
Total Acres: 96 +/- acres