Land Auction – 1036 +/- Acres – Republic County Kansas Land
Date: Thursday, August 18th @ 6:00 pm
Auction Location: Republic County 4H Building – 901 Otoe St. Belleville, KS
Seller: Bennington State Bank
Tract 1:
Legal Description: Located in Fairview Township S15, T02, R02W, ACRES 156.9, NE 1/4
FSA Details:
• 155.75 Acres, 100.00 Cropland Acres, 70.66 Base Acres (28.3 Corn, 23.98 Soybeans, 15.91 Wheat, 2.47 Grain Sorghum) PLC Yield ( 114 bu Corn, 32 bu Soybeans, 35 bu Wheat, 68 bu Grain Sorghum)
2021 Property Tax = $2566.10
Tract 2:
Legal Description: Located in Jefferson Township S02, T03, R02W, ACRES 74.9, S1/2 SW1/4 LESS ROW
FSA Details:
• 74.57 Acres, 36.86 Cropland Acres, 26.15 Base Acres (12.12 Corn, 10.27 Soybeans, 2.70 Wheat, 1.06 Grain Sorghum) PLC Yield ( 114 bu Corn, 32 bu Soybeans, 35 bu Wheat, 68 bu Grain Sorghum
2021 Property Tax = $993.28
Tract 3:
Legal Description: Located in Jefferson S15, T03, R02W, ACRES 155.4, SW1/4 LESS 4.63 AC & ROW
FSA Details: (Estimated due to Homesite not being excluded)
• 149.84 Acres, 135.52 Cropland Acres, 96.2 Base Acres (44.59 Corn, 37.77 Soybeans, 9.96 Wheat, 3.88 Grain Sorghum) PLC Yield ( 114 bu Corn, 32 bu Soybeans, 35 bu Wheat, 68 bu Grain Sorghum)
2021 Property Tax = $2813.66
Tract 4:
Legal Description: Located in Jefferson S14, T03, R02W, ACRES 156.3, NE1/4 LESS ROW
FSA Details:
• 155.47 Acres, 154.06 Cropland Acres, 107.64 Base Acres (49.89 Corn, 42.27 Soybeans, 11.13 Wheat, 4.35 Grain Sorghum) PLC Yield ( 114 bu Corn, 32 bu Soybeans, 35 bu Wheat, 68 bu Grain Sorghum)
2021 Property Tax = $3435.96
Tract 5:
Legal Description: S23, T03, R02W, ACRES 157.8, NW1/4 LESS ROW
FSA Details: (Estimated due to being combined with tracts 8 and 9)
• 157.21 Acres, 81.26 Cropland Acres, 56.77 Base Acres (26.31 Corn, 22.3 Soybeans, 5.87 Wheat, 2.29 Grain Sorghum) PLC Yield ( 114 bu Corn, 32 bu Soybeans, 35 bu Wheat, 68 bu Grain Sorghum)
Tract 5 currently has and electric meter with Rolling Hills Electric Cooperative that can be cancelled prior to closing.
2021 Property Tax = $2002.62
Tract 6:
Legal Description: Located in Jefferson Township S26, T03, R02W, ACRES 30.4, S3/4 SW1/4 SW1/4 LESS ROW
FSA Details:
• 27.77 Acres, 12.38 Cropland Acres, 9.19 Base Acres (4.26 Corn, 3.61 Soybeans, .95 Wheat, .37 Grain Sorghum) PLC Yield ( 114 bu Corn, 32 bu Soybeans, 35 bu Wheat, 68 bu Grain Sorghum)
Tract 6 currently has and electric meter with Rolling Hills Electric Cooperative that contracted to remain in place through February 13, 2023 at a minimum rate of $46/month. Buyer will assume terms of contract upon closing.
2021 Property Tax = $232.16
Tract 7:
Legal Description: Located in Grant Township S01, T04, R02W, ACRES 196.35, SW1/4 & SW1/4 NW1/4 LESS ROW
FSA Details:
• 196.10 Acres, 67.24 Cropland Acres, 47.72 Base Acres (22.12 Corn, 18.74 Soybeans, 4.93 Wheat, 1.93 Grain Sorghum) PLC Yield ( 114 bu Corn, 32 bu Soybeans, 35 bu Wheat, 68 bu Grain Sorghum)
2021 Property Tax = $1534.22
Tract 8:
Legal Description: Located in Jefferson Township S15, T03, R02W, ACRES 76.8, E1/2 SE1/4 LESS ROW & LESS .5 AC on east side of County Rd 23
• 100% pasture land with good fences & 1 pond
2021 Property Tax = $316.34
***There is approximately 225+/- yards of the north property line that is not fenced. The north property line is located near the south side of the gate located along 230th Road and is assumed to be represented by the existing fence located on the west by 170+/- yards of existing fence. Buyer is purchasing this tract based off the legal description provided by the Republic County Appraisers Office. There will be NO survey completed on this tract.
Tract 9:
Legal Description: Located in Jefferson Township S15, T03, R02W, ACRES 31.2 in E1/2 of NE1/4
• This tract has a 2 bedroom Shouse attached to a working barn along with additional working pens. The remainder of the tract is pasture land.
Tract 9 currently has and electric meter with Rolling Hills Electric Cooperative that can be cancelled prior to closing.
Tract 9 also has rural water through RWD #2 that can be transferred to the buyer at closing.
2021 Property Tax = $1869.84
***There is approximately 225+/- yards of the south property line that is not fenced. The south property line is located near the south side of the gate located along 230th Road and is assumed to be represented by the existing fence located on the west by 170+/- yards of existing fence. Buyer is purchasing this tract based off the legal description provided by the Republic County Appraisers Office. There will be NO survey completed on this tract.
Tract 10: Tract 8 & 9 Together as one Tract
Order of Sale: ***UPDATED 8/14/22
- Tracts 1 through 7 will be auctioned separately and sold to the highest bidder. Starting with Tract 4 followed by Tract 3 then 1, 2, 5, 6, 7.
- Tracts 8 & 9 will be auctioned separately with the high bid held on each tract.
- Tract 10 (Combination of Tracts 8 & 9) – Held bids for Tracts 8 & 9 will be combined and $10,000.00 added to determine the starting bid for Tract 10.
- If there is a bid placed for Tract 10, upon that bid reaching it’s highest amount…a negotiation will take place between high bidders on Tracts 8 & 9 and high bidder of Tract 10.
- ALL Bidding will be in WHOLE dollars NOT on a per-acre basis.
Buyer granted immediate access to properties for preparation and planting of fall seeded crops, remaining pasture season, and haying opportunities upon signing purchase contract and making escrow deposit.
HIGH BANKS WIND FARM INFO…The following tracts have wind leases in place and have been proposed to have wind turbines constructed on them. AGAIN…these are proposed ONLY at this time. Updates will be posted here as they become available. Tracts 1, 3, 4, 5, & 7 (proposed wind turbines) Tract 2 (proposed transmission line)
- 7/25/22 – Wind Farm Lease and Easement Agreement AND Memorandum of Wind Farm Lease and Easement Agreement are available to view and print in “Attachments” section near the bottom of this page.
Terms & Possession: 10% down day of sale, balance due at closing on or before 9/21/2022. Buyer to pay 2022 taxes Seller to pay 2021and prior years taxes. Title insurance, escrow and closing costs to be split equally between buyer and seller. Property to be sold as-is, where-is. All inspections should be made prior to the day of the sale. This is a cash sale and is not subject to financing, have your financing arrangements made prior to auction. Midwest Land and Home is acting as a Seller’s Agent and represents the seller’s interest. All information has come from reliable sources; however, potential buyers are encouraged to verify all information independently. Seller expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for these sales. Potential purchasers are strongly urged to rely solely upon their own inspections and opinions in preparing to purchase property and are expressly advised to not rely on any representations made by the seller or their agents. Statements made the day of sale take precedence over all other printed materials. This auction is for Real Estate ONLY and no personal property is included in the sale of any tracts.
For more information on this property please contact…
Jeff Dankenbring – Listing Broker – Cell: 785.562.8386
Email: [email protected]

****ONLINE BIDDING REQUIRES PRE-REGISTRATION – REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THAN 12:00 P.M. Monday, August 15th – In addition to registering through our APP or on our website you will be required to fill out an “Online Bidder Terms” form found below in the “Attachments” section. You must return completed online registration AND have this form back to us by email, mail, or delivered in person by the deadline. Please DO NOT delay in getting registered.****
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Tract 9: Virtual Tour
Promotional Video:
Other Features
Property Id : 21416
Total Acres: 1036 +/- acres