**SOLD** Thursday, October 10th, @ 10:00 AM Kloppenberg Center, Hanover, Kansas
***Order of Sale:
The auctioneer will start with Tract 3 (Marshall Co Tract), followed by Tract 2 (Washington County Tract), and finish with Tract 1 (Gage County Tract).
Property Locations:
Tract 1: From KS 148 & State Line Rd travel 2.5 miles East. Tract 1 is located on the north side of State Line Rd.
Tract 2: From Tract 1 travel .25 miles East to 1st Rd then travel south on 1st Rd for 1.8 miles. Tract 2 is located on the West side of 1st Rd.
Tract 3: From the Southeast corner of Tract 2 (1st Rd & Bison Rd Intersection) travel north on 1st Rd South for 1.0 miles. Tract 3 is located on the East side of 1st Rd
Tract 1: Legal Description: (Per Gage County Appraiser)
SEC 36-1-5 W 1/2 SE & E 1/2 SW 160.00 AC
FSA Information: (Per Gage County FSA Office)
– FSA Farmland = 159.11 acres with 151.98 DCP Cropland Acres
– Base Acres = 150.3 acres (131.70ac Grain Sorghum, 14.70ac Wheat, 3.90 Soybeans)
– 2023 Property Taxes: $6557.44
Tract 2: Legal Description: (Per Washington County Appraiser)
S12, T01, R05, 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, Acres 108.8, SE4, EXC A TR COM NE COR SE4, S1650′ W1320′ N1650′ E1320′ TO POB EXC RD ROW
FSA Information: (Per Washington County FSA Office)
– FSA Farmland = 108 acres with 107.69 DCP Cropland Acres
– Base Acres = 92.6 acres (63.70ac , Sorghum, 27.90 Wheat, 1.00 Soybeans)
– 2023 Property Taxes: $2001.29
Tract 3: Legal Description: (Per Marshall County Appraiser)
S06, T01, R06, ACRES 108.9, SW4 LESS N650′ & LESS R/W
FSA Information: (Per Marshall County FSA Office)
– FSA Farmland = 111.81 acres & 107.83 DCP Cropland Acres
– Base Acres = 93.7 acres (50.40ac Grain Sorghum, 34.60ac Wheat, 8.70ac Soybeans)
– 2023 Property Taxes: $2713.62
Broker’s Notes: If you’ve been looking for the perfect land to add to you current farming operation or investment portfolio, your not going to want to miss your opportunity on these 3 incredible tracts of land. All 3 tracts are considered PRIME Cropland and are all over 90% in Crop Production.
Terms & Possession: 10% down day of sale, balance due at closing on or before 11/14/24. Possession at closing subject to tenants rights. Current verbal tenant has been properly terminated in accordance with Kansas Lease Law effective March 1, 2025 and notified to not plant any fall seeded holdover crops. Seller to pay 2024 and prior years taxes. Title insurance, escrow and closing costs to be split equally between buyer and seller. Property to be sold “AS-IS, WHERE-IS” subject to items on a survey, claims of adverse possession, and all easements and exceptions of record. All inspections should be made prior to the day of the sale. This is a cash sale and is not subject to financing, have your financing arrangements made prior to auction. Midwest Land and Home is acting as a Seller’s Agent and represents the seller’s interest. All information has come from reliable sources; however, potential buyers are encouraged to verify all information independently. Seller expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for these sales. Potential purchasers are strongly urged to rely solely upon their own inspections and opinions in preparing to purchase property and are expressly advised to not rely on any representations made by the seller or their agents. Statements made the day of sale take precedence over all other printed materials. Aerials are representations and not guaranteed to be actual property lines.

****ONLINE BIDDING REQUIRES PRE-REGISTRATION**** REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THEN 12:00 P.M. Tuesday, October 8th, 2024. In addition to registering through our APP or on our website you will be required to fill out “Online Bidder Terms” found above in the “Property Documents” tab. You must complete the online registration AND have this form back to us by email, mail, or delivered in person by the deadline. Please DO NOT delay in getting registered.
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Property Id : 24325
Custom ID: 1